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Thursday, December 16, 2004

Patio Concrete Contractor Houston TX, Concrete Patio Contractors Houston Texas, Concrete Patios, Driveways, Concrete Foundations

Patio Concrete Contractor Houston TX, Concrete Patio Contractors Houston Texas, Concrete Patios, Driveways, Concrete Foundations

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Well...Your wife just LOVES the look, of her new SUV she just
bought.....and she's really not sure how to break it to ya' that the driveway
needs a serious makeover!

She knows that you're pretty handy around the house and all so...she
figures you can handle fixing the potholes, cracks and crumbling concrete
she looks at everyday when she drives up to the house wearing sunglasses
and the windows rolled up (so that NO ONE can recognize her) as she
drives up that ole' raggedy, busted up, more cracks in it then the san
Andreas fault nasty slab of concrete you call a driveway.

To dig out and replace the concrete driveway usually costs about $5.00 per
sq. ft and up depending on the area you live in. Well, that five bucks adds
up faster then you can change the channel with your remote if you know
what I mean and repairing it seems like a quick fix to keep the ole' lady from
having another shopping fit!.

So, that having been said..Here are some do-it-yourself tips for the "soon to
be in the doghouse" kinda guys:

First you'll need to clean out that ole' dusty garage and dig out a few tools:

Pressure washer
Margin trowel and finishing trowels
Nose and cove tolls
Square nose shovel
Knee pads
Paintbrush, paint roller and pan
Weed sprayer
Cement finishing broom
Concrete patch material
Water-based sealer
Duct tape and tape measure
Scissors and utility knife
Pump sprayer and primer
Textured spray hopper
Mixing bucket
Drill and paddel
Cementious dye

Note: To determine if your concrete needs repair, tap the concrete with a
scraper to test. You want to hear a ping sound, not a hollow sound.

Repairing Cracks

Note: If the crack in you concrete is up to a 1/4" thick, you can use a
latex-based concrete sealant. For this particular project, the crack was
wider than a 1/4" so host Paul Ryan used a latex-based concrete patch.

Chisel and grind the crack to make a wider area for patching. (You'll need a
wider area so the patch material will adhere better.)

Clean surface of all dust, dirt and loose material -- and vacuum the crack
(figure A).

Mix patching material to plastic-like consistency.

Before applying the patch material, dampen the surface with a water spray.

Apply the material with a margin trowel or pointing trowel (figure B) and
smooth out.

After it's semi-dry, clean the edges of the crack with a wrung-out sponge.

Don't walk on the surface for at least 24 hours.

Roll on a water-based sealer after the concrete has cured.

Complete Concrete Patch (Cemstone)

TK Complete Concrete Patch
Suggested Retail Price: 60# $49.67 / 10# $18.24

Cemstone Contractor Supply
Mendota Heights, MN 55120-1221
Phone: 651-688-9292
Website: www.cemstone.com

Tri Seal (Cemstone)

TK Tri Seal (5 gallon)
Suggested Retail Price: $90.82

Cemstone Contractor Supply
Mendota Heights, MN 55120-1221
Phone: 651-688-9292
Website: www.cemstone.com

Cementitious Dye (Cemstone)

Scofield Texturetop Cementitious Dye
Dark Gray or Brick Red
Suggested Retail Price: $45-$75 for a 55 lb. bag

Cemstone Contractor Supply
Mendota Heights, MN 55120-1221
Phone: 651-688-9292
Website: www.cemstone.com

Vinyl Concrete Patcher (Quikrete)

Quikrete Vinyl Concrete Patcher
Model #: 1133 or 1132
Suggested Retail Price: $8.59 for a 6 lb. patch / $14.94 for a 10 lb. patch
Available at local home centers or call 1-800-776-6053


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